How Do Drugs Affect the Brain?

The brain is responsible for a wide array of voluntary and involuntary responses. It tells us when we are hungry and tired. It lets us know when we should feel afraid or happy. It also is responsible for breathing and keeping the heart pumping blood throughout our bodies. In addition, we rely on our brains to process information, to form written and verbal communications, and to solve problems.

When drugs are introduced into our bodies, they can affect how our brain operates and performs. Some drugs affect how neurotransmitters send and receive information and how it is processed. Other drugs can make us feel sleepy or energized. Drug addictions can develop when the brain is overly stimulated and its normal functions are continuously interrupted by the use of drugs.

Several different types of drugs can cause the brain’s pleasure center to release unusually high amounts of dopamine, often depleting supplies. This results in having to use larger amounts of drugs to achieve the same effects. Please feel free to continue reading and reviewing the following infographic to learn more about how certain types of drugs affect the brain and its functions.